

Sealed Air Fill Air Rocket


Fill-Air Rocket™

The Fill-Air Rocket™ inflatable void fill system, a void fill solution designed specifically to meet the needs of modern fulfillment.

Drawing on decades of best-in-class inflatable void fill experience, the Fill-Air Rocket™ system is faster, simpler, lighter and better prepared for your packaging operations.

Recycling Fill-Air® Pillow material

If you are sending Fill-Air®, Fill-Air® RF or Rapid Fill® material for recycling, please do the following:

  • Deflate (by poking a hole in the bag) and flatten the bags.
  • Fold the flattened material and place it inside an appropriate sized envelope or small carton.
  • Affix the appropriate postage to the shipping envelope or carton.
  • Address the envelope or carton to our appropriate Sealed Air facility.

Call us for a quote and demostration: (954) 572-2500

Sold in Quantities of 1 unit (s)
 $405.00   $405.00   $405.00 

Price is per roll of 4200' of film

More Information